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Semana 43

By 12:49 PM

Olá todo mundoooo

So I don´t have a ton of updates for this week, but I´ll put out a bullet list of events for this week:

-Sister Carvalho has been sick this whole week, so we took a trip to the hospital. She´s doing fine but the ever increasing heat doesn´t help much.

-I got all 3 of my packages!! The hump day package was the cutest thing in the world - I am sleeping with my cute stuffed camel (named "camelino") every night and makes me excited for the next phase of the mission! Thank you soooo much.

-Monday afternoon we took a 9 hour bus ride to Natal for mission counsel - that trip is terrible. But the coolest part was arriving in the city at night, Natal is the most MAGICAL city during the Christmas season (naturally, "Natal" means Christmas in Portuguese). They had huge decorations and lights stringing the entire city. It made me super homesick to be serving in the capital. It was also super fun to see all of my old mission friends, Sister J. Baker, Sister M. Baker, Sister Lopes, Sister Gonçalves, and the elders too. So the mission counsel was cool because you get to see all of the statistics of the mission and how we rank in terms of all the other missions in Brasil, and our progress and where we need to improve. We´ve got some things to work on, but so far our mission is doing really well #batizador!

-We are 2 weeks and running without water here in Sousa... and the elders apartment is the only place that never runs out of water so for the past 2 weeks they have been bringing huge jugs of water to our apartment for us to take bucket showers. It´s been a great lesson in humility and gratitude that I don´t live in a desert :)

-Helenice was baptized this week! Her baptism fell  through last week but things worked out this time. There truly is magic in taking that first step of being baptized. The Lord blesses us immensely when we make convenants with Him.

-This week in my personal studies I studied about repentance. Everyone thinks that repentance is something terrible or really hard that we are "obligated" to do. But really it´s one of the greatest blessings that God has given us! Imagine the terrible feelings that we have because of sin - it ruins us. Alma taught about repentance in Mosiah 27:29,

"My soul hath been redeemed from the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity. I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more."

I love the sweet relief that comes because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We really can see the "marvelous light of God" and be freed from our sins.

I love what I´m doing, and am so grateful to Heavenly Father for every minute to be His servant here in Northeastern Brasil.

Até próximo,

Sister Brown

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