This week I have been learning the importance of practice. During these 12 weeks of training we practice teaching lessons, practice the language, and practice learning. The saying "practice makes perfect" really is so true. The more you practice teaching a lesson, the better it goes. I´ve been applying this to every other aspect of missionary life - practice in reading the scriptures, practice in praying, practice in learning a new language, practice in missionary work, etc. After all, isn´t our eventual goal perfection? Christ has commanded us, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as I am." How do we accomplish this? PRACTICE. That´s why we PRACTICE religion, PRACTICE our faith. In Alma 32 we learn about faith. We need to consistently nurture our faith until it has become a tree of knowledge - we need to, literally, practice what we preach.
Another thing I´ve learned this week is that in order for people to REALLY experience a conversion, they MUST read the Book of Mormon and PRAY. Pray, pray, pray. People can´t receive a witness about what we are teaching and the gospel without praying to know if it´s true! I´m always so frustrated with people when they really accept what we teach and feel the spirit in our lessons, but don´t keep their commitments to read the Book of Mormon and pray. How else can we receive truth? We can´t just expect a testimony of anything to take root without having shown our works, and acted on the promptings of the spirit and read and prayed. When, as a missionary, you recognize the needs of people and their problems, you know what they need to do in order to fix those problems. You know that they need to go to church, feel the influence of the Spirit, read the scriptures, PRAY to Heavenly Father, repent, etc. But these people don´t understand what to do. (Prepare yourselves for a really lame comparison) It´s like in the movie Bug´s Life, when the ants are collecting food and a giant leaf falls and obstructs their line - the ants have NO idea what to do and all freak out until someone helps them recognize what they need to do to go around the leaf. Us missionaries are the guides around the barriers and problems in these peoples´ lives. They don´t understand what they need to do, they don´t see a solution, and don´t see the other side. However, we can see a much broader perspective than they can - it´s called the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Restoration, and the Plan of Salvation. Our job is to help people work around the "leaves" in their lives.
Our Heavenly Father is the same way with us! We may be able to understand more about this life, where we came from, and where we are going and what we need to do in order to attain eternal life, but sometimes we don´t know HOW. We don´t understand our own leaves. But Heavenly Father knows, after all He placed them there for us to learn and grow, to be able to look back and understand and say, "now I know why". But how do we work around these leaves? We must pray. The Lord stands at the door and knocks, but we must open it to receive Him.
I´ve begun to sense the "urgency" (as President Holland has coined the term) of this missionary work. The day to prepare to meet the Lord is NOW. TODAY. And everyone needs to understand how critical this is! I´m still learning how to help people realize what they need to do, I´m still learning how to even communicate my thoughts and feelings, and I know that I can´t always say everything I want to and don´t know how to answer the questions people have but I do know that I can share my testimony of what I do know to be true and that the Spirit will do the real work.
Our 3 marked baptisms fell through this week, what a bummer. No one kept their commitments to come to church and read and pray about the Book of Mormon (refer to preceding paragraphs). How frustrating it is! Oh well, just gives me more motivation to work harder.
I´m happy, healthy, safe, and a little more tan ;) (really though, my watch tan line is out of this world already)
I love you so so so so so much!!!
Até próximo <3
Sister Brown