Yesterday we got an unexpected call from the Mission Department at Church Headquarters - after having received my visa back in November, I planned to attend the Brazil MTC, and even got my flight itinerary to fly out on Tuesday. However... there is no one at the Brazil MTC to be my companion, and so I am to report to the PROVO MTC on Wednesday.
According to the mission department, I am the only sister with a Brazilian visa right now. And they aren't receiving any more visas currently. It would be extremely unlikely that anyone will get a visa during my six weeks at the MTC, and so they are just sending me to Provo.
I'll be honest I was pretty upset about plans changing so close to my departure, and STILL not getting to Brazil as early as I had anticipated; however I trust in the Lord's will, and look forward to the opportunities at the Provo MTC.
I could leave to the Brazil MTC at any point during my six weeks of training, but I will most likely stay at Provo the entire time. The most relieving part about all of this is that I am STILL going to be a missionary and I am STILL going to arrive at the Natal Mission on March 4th.
4 days until my entry date, and they can't come soon enough. Here's to more bumps in the road! See ya soon, Provo.